
How to Come Out of Financial Hardship

No one ever wishes to find themselves in a financial mess, but it sometimes happens. And contrary to some popular belief, financial difficulties are only sometimes a result of financial irresponsibility. Many people experience financial problems that put them in a position where they can’t pay their loans or bills for reasons other than financial mismanagement.

Most of the time, facing financial difficulties can be highly stressful and even impact your mental and physical health.

Some Examples of Financial Hardship

Many life incidents or situations can derail financial plans and impact them emotionally and financially. Some examples of economic hardship are:

  • Family or personal health issues or injury
  • Loss in business or income
  • Going through a bad relationship or domestic violence
  • The sudden death of a spouse or partner

Are you facing any of these examples of financial hardship? If yes, this blog will guide you on dealing with these difficult situations so you can get out of this financial mess as soon as possible.


Warning Signs of Financial Hardship

You can start working to solve your financial hardship if you identify the problem early. Here are some warning signs that show that you are facing financial difficulties in your life

  • Need to have emergency savings or sinking funds
  • Dependent on a credit card to pay for your day-to-day essentials needs
  • High or maxed-out credit card balances every month
  • Poor credit scores due to late payments or default in payments
  • Looking for high-interest debt like cash advances or payday loans
  • Every month pay late or overdraft fees
  • You cannot meet your minimum payment obligations for the last few months


If you recognize these warning signs early, this will be your first step toward creating a financial plan so you can turn things around. Here are some tips on how to plan and improve your financial situation and get through financial hardships

Modify Your Budget

If you are experiencing financial problems, adjusting your budget to accommodate changes in your monthly income is essential. For example, if you have lost your job or had a reduced income, you should start budgeting for a variable income. While facing financial difficulties, it’s even more important to budget your spending so you can minimize how much debt you take on. Next, you can create a debt repayment plan for when your income situation improves.

Your main goal should be to focus on your core essentials expenses, which are food, housing, medicines, essential utilities, and transportation. By adjusting your budget, you can know about something you are spending, that is unnecessary, and you can live without it easily. This way, you can move your funds towards more essential expenses and slowly leave your financial mess.

Rebuild Emergency Fund

If you are going through a financial crisis, you have consumed all your emergency savings also if you have any for emergencies. Your first task should be to rebuild your emergency fund. Without this buffer, you will dip into your other savings or take on additional loans to tackle the next payment crisis.

Remember, any financial plan starts with creating an emergency fund.

The entire process can go much smoother if you have this buffer. It would be best to keep aside at least three to four months’ expenses as a contingency. You can build this buffer gradually for 6 to 12 months. While planning this, make sure it covers all your regular expenses such as food, rent, loan EMI, electricity bill, tuition fees, gas, etc.

Determine Financial Priorities

To overcome financial problems, you need to determine what your priorities are. Setting clear financial priorities will make it easier for you to make tough financial decisions.

Turning priorities into actionable and achievable goals will help solve your money problems and can help in getting your life back on track.

You should create a budget to control a specific problem to achieve your financial target. For example, one of your short-term goals should be to reduce your monthly expenses and pay off your smallest credit card balance.


Make The Most of Your Income

When you are in a financial mess, you may think you don’t have enough to deal with your financial problems. However, it is crucial to make the most of the income you have in the current situation. In a crunch situation, you may not be able to cut your one expense by Rs. 5,000 per month, but you may be able to identify five expenses that you can cut by Rs. 1000 each.


Think About Your Current Situation

During times of financial crisis, it is effortless to bury your head in the sand and hope for the best. In reality, the truth is knowledge is power, especially when it comes to matters related to money. Remember to put yourself back on a path of financial recovery; it’s crucial to equip yourself with information about where you are and how you arrived here.

Ask yourself these critical questions to assess your current circumstances and determine where you should focus your recovery efforts.

  • What is your current income?
  • What are your monthly expenses?
  • How much do you owe in debt?
  • What is the value of your assets?

Don’t Give Up While Facing Financial Problems

Always remember that financial hardship can arise for various reasons, and you can recover from it with proper planning and hard work.

So don’t be discouraged, and don’t give up.

It might be a challenging time, and you are going through a wave of emotions related to your money, but you can get through this temporary period. Focus on setting aside self-judgment, not allowing others to judge you, learning from your past mistakes, and moving forward.


Use these steps to help you navigate through your financial hardship. It will help you get back on track and improve your financial condition. You can also set goals to work on your self-improvement in addition to improving your financial situation. Whatever your situation might be, remember that daybreak always comes after the darkest night.

You can navigate severe financial hardship!

Read: How Passive Income Can Provide You Financial Security

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